
Walkthrough Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire (Unfinished)

Walkthrough Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire.


The Overworld

Composed of several area’s, the Overworld is somewhat of a mixture of other previous RPG’s. Unlike others that use a map system to move around, Pokemon breaks up the area’s based on several criteria’s:

  • Route
  • City or Town
  • Wild Grass
  • Building
  • Ocean
  • Gym

Normally, City/Town’s, Building, and Gym’s don’t have wild Pokemon but may or may not have trainers. Routes, Wild Grass, and the Ocean usually will include a combination of Trainers and Wild Pokemon.

Finding Wild Pokemon

Similar to the overworl part, finding Pokemon come in different shapes and sizes. Mainly, Pokemon are randomly encountered in the wild grass, based apon their encounter rates and so on. Fishing mainly relies on the type of rod you are using. A old rod will mainly catch Magikarp, while a Super Rod will usually catch a variety of Pokemon. The ocean is usually one sided, only being home to a few types of Pokemon.

Evolution Types:

Level: The Most common of them all. Level evolution applies to around 80% of the Pokemon out their. When a Pokemon reaches a certain level, it will attempt to evolve. If you do not want that Pokemon to evolve, Press the B Button during the beginning of the evolution to stop it:

Stone: The least common of the types. Stone evolution happends when you find one of 6 stones and use it on certain Pokemon. The stones include:

  • Fire Stone
  • Water Stone
  • Leaf Stone
  • Water Stone
  • Moon Stone
  • Sun Stone

Unlike Level Evolution, you can use the stone at any time, but once you choose the stone, you cannot cancel the evolution

Trade: Unlike the other evolutions that have evolved, Trade Evolution hasn’t evolved much, but has split into two area’s.

  • Link Evolution: The one that hasen’t changed in the long run. The four Pomeon that are the only one’s that can are:

    • Kadabra
    • Machoke
    • Gravler
    • Haunter
  • Item Evolution: Occures when a certain evolutionary item is equipped by a pokemon that can evolve with that item is traded to another game.

Friendly: The newer type of evolution. Friendly evolution occures when a certain Pokemon’s happiness reaches it’s maximum and it levels up. Frienly evolution can happen as soon as level 6, as long as the Pokemon’s happiness is at it’s max.


When you first start the game, you will be asked if you want to be a girl or boy, Choose the gender you want to be and continue. Then it will ask you your name. Enter it and continue. Your rival will be the gender you didnt choose and if it’s a boy it will be brendon. If it’s a girl, it is may. After you choose everything, you will start in a truck. Get out of the truck to find out that you are in Littleroot Town.

Littleroot Town

As you begin, your mother will come out and tell you to set the clock. Go up to your room and set the clock on the wall to the time in your area. After that’s done, go down stairs to see a cut scene of the TV and about your father as the Gym leader. After that, go to the house directly across from you. (To the right if you are a boy, to the left if you are a girl.) Go upstairs to meet your rival, the Prof.’s son or daugter. After talking, go out and go north to Route 101.

Route 101

Pokemon:Apperance Rate:

After you go on Route 101, you find the Prof, Prof. Birch, is being attacked by a wild Poochyena. Go up to his bag to choose from the 3 usual starter types. The names are: TOrchic (Fire type at first, but turns a duel Fire-Fighting at it’s first evolution), Mudkip (Water at first, but turns a duel Water-Ground type at it’s first evolution), and Treecko (Always a grass type).

After choosing, you will have to fight and beat the poochyena, though it is a easy fight. After that, Prof. Birch will take you back to his lab and give you the pokemon you choose. After your done there, it is a wise thing to go back home to your PC and get the potion from your item box. Head all the way up Route 101 until you get to a new city, Oldale Town.

Oldale Town

There’s not much to do right now. The poke mart isn’t selling Pokeballs right now, so you cant catch pokemon. You can heal your pokemon at the Pokemon Center if it’s lost some HP. If you talk to the man to the right of the pokemon center, you will get a free potion. You can’t go on Route 102 because of the usual blocking man that seems to be in every pokemon game. Your only choice is to go on Route 103 and fight your rival.

Route 103

Pokemon:Apperance Rate:

Not much to do besides fight your rival. Go up north until you find him. Like always, he has the pokemon that has a type advantage over you.

Trainer Info

Boss: Rival Fight 1

Money Won: 300 P

Pokemon: (All Level 5)

  • Treeko (If you choose Mudkip as starter)
  • Torchic (If you choose Treeko as starter)
  • Mudkip (If you choose Torchic as starter)
Like the G/S/C rival fight, it is very easy. It’s even easier if you level up your pokemon to around LV 9 or 10. Just keep on using your pokemon’s damageing moves and heal when your HP get’s low. Since your rival’s pokemon is still at LV 5, it hasn’t learned any attacks that have a advantage over you.

After your done, head back to Littleroot Town to find your rival and the prof. in his lab. He will give you a Pokedex that can keep info on all the Pokemon you can legally catch in the game, and your rival will give you 5 Pokeballs, meaning you can now buy pokeballs from pokemarts and catch pokemon. Go out and start walking to Route 101 and your mother will stop you and give you the Running Shoes. It allows you to run at bike speed while holding B outside and in some dungeons. After that, head to oldale town to find that you can go on Route 102 and continue.

Route 102

Pokemon:Apperance Rate:
Lotad (Sapphire)Uncommon
Seedot (Ruby)Uncommon

Youngster: Calven

Money Won: 80P


  • Zigzagoon: Normal (level 5)

Lass: Tina

Money Won: 64P


  • Zigzagoon: Normal (Level 4)
  • Zigzagoon: Normal (Level 4)

Youngster: Allen

Money Won: 48P


  • Poochyena: Dark (Level 5)

Bug Catcher: Rick

Money Won: 64P


  • Wurmple: Bug (Level 4)
  • Wurmple: Bug (Level 4)

Not much to do on Route 103. I dare say that this is one of the route’s you will be going to the least in your adventure. There’s a few trainers here with low level pokemon, so it’s a good chance to level up your starter or pokemon you just caught. There’s a potion near the end if you need it.

This is a good time to catch a Ralts, although it does appear very rarely. Head all the way west to find your next town, Petalburg City.

Petalburg City

You realy can’t do much right now. Head to your father’s gym. He says that he will not fight you until you get 4 Badges from the other gym’s. After that, a kid named Wally comes in and wants you and your father help him catch his first Pokemon.

You don’t have to do anything but watch, but be aware that Wally will take the place of your rival later in the game. After that, you can finally go on Route 104 and continue your path to the next gym.

Route 104

Pokemon:Apperance Rate: